As you know, Saturday was my birthday and I had a really great time. I spent it with my boyfriend and friends in Kabukicho and I also had my first hairset!!

The morning of my birthday 3 of my friends popped up to my apartment and gave me cakes! So not only did I have one birthday cake, I had two! One super cute handmade one and a gorgeous shortcake. I must have done something right to end up with so much haha

My boyfriend surprised me in the morning with a gift. He was so eager for me to open it that he wouldn’t even let me have breakfast – I think it was because he had chosen it himself and he wanted to see if he had picked the right thing. Well he had!! He bought me ‘The’ EMODA hat that I had wanted for so long~ He also bought me the new Dollywink eyeshadow, Candydoll concealer lipstick and Mini TSUYAGLA straightners/curlers – very Tsubasa orientated, huh?♥
My Japanese friend from Yamaguchi sent me a surprise parcel with a gorgeous bracelet, hair accessory, phone holder and some cosmetics. I also had some cards and chocolates from family back home. I received money from my parents, but my sister is also bringing me some presents when she comes to visit this month. I love belated birthday gifts.
The friends who came to my party that evening also bought me some gifts, so I felt very lucky and loved 😀

As I mentioned, my friend and I decided to get hairset for our joint party (her birthday was the day after mine). Well I’m not going to mention much about it, because you will soon be able to read all about it @ Universal Doll. So here is some purikura instead~
Later on we went to 白木屋 which is a chain izakaya that has decent but affordable drinks and food. We made a reservation beforehand and since we had such a large party we had our own private room.

We were planning on going to ATOM after but the people we were with were party-poopers and didn’t want to go, so we ended up at all night karaoke – which was still fun though!
Overall I had a great birthday and I got to spend it with some great people – I couldn’t have asked for more :D!!