Review: Max Series – Violet Circle Lenses

Max Series colour contact lenses*
Lenses – Violet
Power/Prescription: 0.00 (plano) ~ -10.00
Lens Usage: Up to 12 months (depending on care)
Base Curve Radius: 8.8mm
Diameter: 14.50 & 15mm
Water Content: 38%
Click ‘read more’ for the full post.

I have blue-grey eyes, so the effect may differ on those with darker eyes.
The Max Series (by EOS) features a darker outer rim with a graduated inner colour. This helps it to blend easier with your natural colour, whilst still defining your eyes.
Now onto the pictures…
These were all taken in the afternoon, in A/W lighting, without flash, with lighting aid…

I like the ‘adult look’ that these lenses give when worn. There is definition of the eye, creating a slight enlarging effect but nothing too over-the-top. The colour is good, but isn’t as bright or noticeable as other lenses I have worn. It also doesn’t blend easily, because it’s violet, obviously. However it’s still quite pretty.
These weren’t so comfortable. I only wore them for 3 hours, because my eyes were itching and drying out like crazy. This may be because of my allergies, but taking this into account and other lenses, I felt a little let down.
If it is your first time wearing lenses, take it slowly and wear them for only a few hours each day so your eyes will get used to them. I wouldn’t suggest wearing your lenses for too long unless you know it will be ok, and if they get dry just pop some contact lens-friendly eye solution in – never use water!

Recently I prefer more natural lens colours but these were mistakingly sent to me over some blue ones, so I don’t have much to say on that front. I would wear these again for a short period of time with a more casual look, but not if I wanted to ‘glam up’.
Want to order a pair for yourself? –
They ship worldwide!
For any other questions you might have, check out their FAQ page.
Feel free to leave comments or ask me any questions you might have.
This is the last circle lens review I will be doing for a while as I am now taking a break from it.