Catwalk by TIGI Session Series Finishing Hairspray*
Hairspray is something every beauty addict has in their haircare collection.
It’s become a staple for not only beauty lovers but pretty much everyone nowadays.
That means there are tons out there, all promising different things. So which do you go for?
TIGI’s Catwalk series promises to offer model and fashion show worthy results.
That was the one thing that made it stand out for me from their other hairsprays.
+ No nasty chemical smells
+ Didn’t feel as if I had any product on
+ Holds my hair in place for the whole day
That’s right I have no cons for this product!
You know I am an honest reviewer and always try to show the pros and cons (even if the cons are teeny tiny ones) of a product when I can, but I didn’t find any cons at all with this one. That doesn’t happen very often. Hairspray is a product I stopped using for a long time, because I found that a lot of the products out there left my hair feeling a bit gross. I’d find my hair stuck in place (rigid) with some, or others would leave it greasy etc. This hairspray didn’t do any of those, in fact it did it’s job without me feeling like I had anything on my hair. Now that’s impressive. It also didn’t have that strong chemical smell like some hairsprays do – you know, the kind that makes you feel that you have to fumigate your bathroom after one use. This is a great hairspray in my opinion, and for £13.50 it lives up to the high price point. Quality over quantity I say.
You can buy TIGI Catwalk Session Series Finishing Hairspray at Dirty Looks.
Currently on offer for £11.50!