Welcome to my world…

Do you all remember when I was living in Paris and I posted about my room?
Well I thought I would update you with my space in my current accommodation, here in England.
Click ‘read more’ for the full post.

Cosmetic & Beauty products, British fashion magazines & Accessories

Decorations, Japanese fashion magazines & letters from friends

Wardrobe decoration

I have a lot more space in the accommodation I choose this year.
I just have enough space for my laptop on my desk which is littered with fashion magazines, jewellery, cosmetics and beauty products. There are also several items of decoration from travelling or just things that caught my eye. 
Since taking these pictures I’ve already accumulated more items. I don’t know how I do it.
No pictures inside my wardrobe this time as I want to do a clear out in the New Year, which means a tidier and more organised wardrobe for me…and maybe some sales for you?

I want to see your rooms!!