Bloomzy’s 4 Year Anniversary

Photos taken from the blog between 2010 – 2014

Can you believe it, this blog has been going for 4 years now!
I never would have imagined in 2010 that I’d still be blogging now.
The blog started out as a Japanese fashion (namely gyaru) central blog.
My muse, and the gorgeous lady who inspired me to start blogging was Mitsu.
I loved her blog and visited everyday, hoping that one day I might be half as amazing.
Whereas the blog still features Japanese fashion from time-to-time, it’s obvious it has evolved.
Now I’m a lot more focused on European fashion and beauty, as you’ll have noticed over the last few years.
It’s not a cliche to say it has opened up a lot of doors for me, some with pretty shiny things behind them, others with amazingly cool people. I have been very lucky to meet the people I have and go to the places I’ve been. I still remember being invited to my first event, and being sent my first pr sample. It’s fair to say I still am shocked when I’m contacted by pr companies, but I am also incredibly grateful. I only hope I can continue to write about the things I love, and everything that’s floating around inside my head. So thank you to those who I have worked with through my blog, but mainly thank you to those who read my blog – you’re the ones who continue to inspire me to blog.